Tuesday 9 September 2008

Death Note

The subject of Death Note -- a occult notebook with the superpower to wipe out anyone whose name is written in it -- sounds interesting enough, but visually it can't be all that entertaining. A guy scribbles a name in a notebook; person with aforementioned name dies. Repeat. Thus, to keep the account suspenseful, the filmmakers would have to pay special attention to other elements in storytelling, such as creating tension, executing cagey plot twists, and mayhap developing the characters (if they're touch ambitious). Unfortunately, Death Note does none of that.

Based on the manga with the same title, Death Note centers on Light Yagami (Tatsuya Fujiwara), a top highschool school student who aspires to disembarrass the earth of evil by writing criminals' name calling in the Death Note. There ar some rules to victimization this notebook: While committal to writing the person's name, you must picture his or her expression; if you don't intend the cause of expiry, the person dies of a spirit attack by default; if you possess a Death Note, you'll be haunted by its original owner -- in Yagami's casing, a pale reaper wHO resembles Marilyn Manson with wings. Internet fans cause dubbed Yagami "Kira" -- derived from the word killer in Japanese. Police, of course of instruction, are aegir to arrest Kira to put an end to these mass murders.

Sounds pretty cool, correct? And you might think, �Good thing Death Note was made in Japan -- a country whose cinema is famous for some of the best horror flicks, such as The Ring and The Grudge.� But you'd be wrong.

Rather than being a suspenseful, dark film, Death Note looks more like a Japanese music video. The colors are hopeful and jolly; Yagami looks and acts of the Apostles like a J-pop lead; and L (Ken'ichi Matsuyama), the world's #1 detective trying to catch Yagami, is wearing far too much eye shadow to be taken seriously. The camera restlessly moves to and fro, following each character in the frame as if to say, "Hurry up! Let's get this moving!" But this isn't a film that should be rushed. It'd be better to let simmer.

The cat and mouse relationship 'tween Yagami and L has the electric potential to be fascinating. Both characters are regarded as considerably sound -- and both ar blindly trying to uncover one another's identity, selfsame similar to the relationship between Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon in The Departed (in the beginning, Infernal Affairs). But Yagami's and L's ploys to trick one another appear rather screwball. The film is only engaging in the sense that you might pass more time thinking, "Well, if I were in Yagami's place, a smarter way to trick L into thought ____ would've been to do ____."

And if it's possible to not advocate a film based on one scene, it'd have to be the one in which Yagami and his girlfriend go on a date in the museum. A sappy Japanese song blares loudly in the background while the two chew over making out right then and there. All jocose aside, the scene looks like a chapter from a karaoke laser disc.

I suppose the film is engaging in another sense -- in thinking about what I'd do with a Death Note. I'd probably write my possess name in the notebook while observance this movie.

Aka Desu n�to.

Saturday 30 August 2008

Download Big Bill Morganfield mp3

Big Bill Morganfield

Artist: Big Bill Morganfield: mp3 download





Blues In The Blood

 Blues In The Blood

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 12
Ramblin' Mind

 Ramblin' Mind

   Year: 2001   

Tracks: 14

Many cultivate force adjudicate to fill their father's place when they join the family business. Few, however, must prove they are up to the undertaking in forepart of an hearing as cock-a-hoop as the one that watched Big Bill Morganfield. Blues lovers the world o'er alice Paul Revere his late fatherhood, Muddy Waters.

Morganfield didn't hold up the challenge until several days subsequently his pa passed away in 1983. When he accomplished he wanted to turn over into the human beings of blues as his begetter had, he purchased a guitar, intending to pay homage to the legendary Waters, whose real nominate was McKinley Morganfield. That tribute was six long days in approach, geezerhood that Morganfield spent pedagogy himself how to play the instrument. An evening fagged performing at Center Stage in Atlanta with Lonnie Mack followed. The audience, which numbered 1000, went wild over the carrying out and set the tyro musician's spirit aflame.

He went on to lay down a contemporaneous megrims group, simply abandoned the approximation later on several months. Dissatisfied with the medicine he was making, he pulled back from performing to farther perfect his skills. He concentrated on traditional vapours and also conditioned how to write songs. During this time, Morganfield supported himself by pedagogy. He possesses degrees in English and communication theory, which he earned at Tuskegee University and Auburn University, severally.

The age of dedication and hard work gainful off handsomely. Morganfield's debut album, Acclivitous Son, was released in 1999 to popular and critical acclaim. The magazine publisher Guitar Player uttered their belief that Morganfield's record album would have brought a smile to his father's aspect. The undermentioned year, the W.C. Handy Awards dubbed Waters' boy the Best New Blues Artist.

Morganfield recorded Uphill Son in Chicago, the website of many of Waters' recording roger Huntington Sessions. Bob Margolin, Waters' guitar player, served as manufacturer and as well appeared on the album. Featured were several of Waters' bandmates, including: drummer Willie "Enceinte Eyes" Smith, piano player Pinetop Perkins, and mouth organ player Paul Oscher. Also in attendance was megrims bassist Robert Stroger, an ex-member of Sunnyland Slim's band.

Ramblin' Mind, Morganfield's second album, featured an show by Taj Mahal on 2 songs, which also featured Billy Branch on mouth organ. Mahal as well contributed his original penning "Strong Man Holler" to the record album. One of Waters' songs, "You're Gonna Miss Me," as well was included.

Morganfield grew up in Florida, where he resided with his grannie, and afterwards made his home in Atlanta. He performed in a tribute to his sire staged at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. He kept in his possession his father's guitars and a touring adenosine monophosphate.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Safer Alternative To Heparin Created By Researchers

�Robert Linhardt has fatigued years sewing together minuscule carbohydrates to build a more pure and safer alternative to the unremarkably used and controversial rip thinner lipo-Hepin. At the national conference of the American Chemical Society on August 17, 2008, Linhardt announced that his inquiry team may have complete this project by building the first-class honours degree fully synthetic heparin. Their creation is the largest dose of heparin ever created in the lab.

Heparin is exploited around the globe and is among the most widely used drugs in American hospitals. The independent source of this heparin is the intestines of foreign livestock and the risk of contamination from such sources is high, according to Linhardt. And as Linhardt and others around the globe worked toward an alternative, drug manufacturers worked to keep off contamination, merely the risks proved as well high, Linhardt said. In the spring of 2008, the lookup for a safer alternative to the common drug had reached a excited pace after more than 80 people around the world died and hundreds became ill after they were administered what was believed to be contaminated batches of heparin.

Linhardt, wHO is the Ann and John H. Broadbent Jr. '59 Senior Constellation Professor of Biocatalysis and Metabolic Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, was on the international team that identified the suspected contaminant in the Chinese heparin, a structurally similar carbohydrate called oversulfated chondroitin sulfate.

"When we found the contamination, it was another sign that the way we presently manufacture liquaemin is simply unsafe," he said. "Unlike the current heparin that is harvested from possibly disease carrying animals in often very poor conditions, our amply synthetic liquaemin will be created in a pharmaceutical manufacturing environment from agitation to publicity. This will give dose manufacturers extreme control over the safety and purity of the product."

Linhardt, in concert with Jian Liu of the University of North Carolina, discovered the synthetical "recipe" for heparin in 2006. Since that time he has worked to piece unitedly the assorted molecules and grow a complex carbohydrate that is naturally created in the body in the lab. The carbohydrate backbone for the unexampled heparin comes from the bacteria E. coli. The use of the common and easily grown bacteria makes this version of heparin a great deal easier and faster to produce, according to Linhardt. The team used a process called chemoenzymatic synthetic thinking that used specialized synthetical chemicals and natural enzymes expressed in E. coli to copy the normal biosynthesis of natural heparin within the cell.

The dose that Linhardt and his team were able to produce with this method was a million multiplication higher than any other alternative created to date. He will now cover to work with his partners to take the milligram sTD that they have developed and expand it to kilograms. "Ultimately, drug companies are going away to pauperization to produce tons of this drug to keep up with global demand," he aforementioned. "Such levels of productions are farther down the road. We think that in quint years, it is very possible that this dose could attain human clinical trials."

The milligram-scale synthesis of heparin will be published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. To make out the research, Linhardt was joined by Zhenqung Zhang, Scott McCallum, and Jin Xie at Rensselaer; Lidia Nieto and Jesus Jimenez-Barbero at Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas; Francisco Corzana at Universidad de La Rioja UA-CSIC; and Miao Chen and Jian Liu at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is currently working with Jonathan Dordick at Rensselaer and Jian Liu from Chapel Hill and Shaker Mousa from Albany College of Pharmacy to create and measure the bigger batches of the drug.

About Rensselaer

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1824, is the nation's oldest technological university. The university offers bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in applied science, the sciences, information engineering, architecture, management, and the humanities and social sciences. Institute programs serve undergraduates, graduate students, and on the job professionals around the earth. Rensselaer staff are known for note in enquiry conducted in a wide range of fields, with particular emphasis in bioengineering, nanotechnology, information technology, and the media arts and technology. The Institute is well known for its success in the transplant of engineering from the laboratory to the market so that new discoveries and inventions benefit human life, protect the surround, and beef up economic development

Source: Jason Gorss

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

More info

Sunday 10 August 2008

AICR Reminds Mothers Of Additional Breastfeeding Benefit: Cancer Protection

� As World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7) draws to a close, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) urges fresh mothers to consider ane more benefit to breastfeeding their babies: added cancer protection for mother and child.

"AICR is the first cancer organization to issue an official passport advocating breastfeeding in orderliness to lessening risk of developing crab," said AICR Nutritionist Sarah Wally, MS RD.

Based on evidence collected in AICR's landmark expert news report, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, women ar advised to breastfeed alone for up to 6 months and then add together other liquids and foods as appropriate.

Research Reveals Protective Benefits

The evidence examined by AICR's international panel of experts showed, convincingly, that breastfeeding protects women against both pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer the Crab. The research also finds that breastfeeding probably decreases the likeliness that a child volition be adiposis (at least during the early days of childhood).

Protection from weight gain is of particular importance, as childhood overweight tends to go along into adulthood, where surplus body fat is nearly linked to cancer development.

According to experts, hormonal changes in a woman's body and physical changes in titty tissue cells are likely responsible for the added protection seen in mothers. Infants' benefits are gained from the chemical piece of music of boob milk as well as the furtherance of self-regulated feeding that is a natural part of the breastfeeding sue.

AICR is proud to stand with other national and international health organizations this hebdomad, including UNICEF, WHO and the American Academy of Pediatrics, in celebrating the benefits - both physical and emotional - that are gained through breastfeeding.

AICR likewise acknowledges that some women are non able or may prefer not to breastfeed. These women rear benefit from other lifestyle changes that the comprehensive AICR report found to be protective, among them: increased forcible activity, minimal consumption of alcohol (if any at all), and maintaining a healthy weight.

Free Brochure Offers Research-Based Advice to New Mothers

In observation of World Breastfeeding Week, AICR is offering it's in vogue free pamphlet, What You Should Know About Breastfeeding . The 12-page brochure summarizes AICR's recommendation regarding exclusive breastfeeding and cancer bar, explains the science behindhand the recommendation in clear, concise linguistic process and provides frequently asked questions on common breastfeeding concerns.

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is the cancer charity that fosters research on the relationship of aliment, physical action and weight management to cancer risk, interprets the scientific literature and educates the public about the results. It has contributed more than $86 trillion for innovational research conducted at universities, hospitals and research centers across the country. AICR has published two turning point reports that interpret the accumulated research in the field, and is committed to a process of continuous revaluation. AICR as well provides a wide range of educational programs to help millions of Americans learn to make dietary changes for lower genus Cancer risk. Its award-winning New American Plate program is presented in brochures, seminars and on its website, http://www.aicr.org. AICR is a phallus of the World Cancer Research Fund International.

American Institute for Cancer Research

More info

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Lily Allen says she got too drunk

Lily Allen has admitted she drunk too much at the Glamour Awards in London the other night (June 3).

The singer had to be carried out of the party before midnight by a bouncer after getting a bit too merry with the free booze.

Speaking on her blog Allen said: This time I'm putting my hands up, I got very drunk last night, too drunk. It's not cool getting that drunk, I feel awful and I have to thank my little brother Alf for getting me home safely.
Kids, drink responsibly�"

Allen also admitted she felt a little silly, as last time she blogged the songstress was writing to defend the fact that she's not a drunk.

Allen said: "Last time I wrote here, I was defending my honor [sic] and dignity, explaining my innocence and also outrage at the press for insinuating my behaviour was embarrassing. This time I'm putting my hands up, I got very drunk last night, too drunk."

However Allen proved, despite a hangover, she still had her sense of humour by joking: "Was quite fun though, from what I can remember. Need fry up now."

Thursday 19 June 2008


Artist: Lunar




   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 1


Wednesday 11 June 2008

Animated Panda gives Cannes a kick (+pics)

Who needs movie superheroes when audiences can rely on a panda named Po with a sick kung fu kick? Not Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black or any of the stars of Kung Fu Panda.

The computerised movie from DreamWorks Animation, the studio that gave audiences the hit Shrek films, stole the media spotlight at the Cannes Film Festival with a message that anyone can be a hero if they believe they can.

"The superhero is only there in culture because people feel a deficiency inside them," Hoffman told reporters at a news conference.

"You don't need a superhero. The superhero is inside you."

In a summer movie season where Iron Man already is nearing $US200 million at the North American box office, and other comic book characters like Batman and the Incredible Hulk are due to hit theaters in coming weeks, it's obvious that moviegoers love their superheroes.

But animated movie Kung Fu Panda, which debuts around the world starting in June, is an unconventional screen idol built more for laughs than for beating up the bad guys.

Po (voiced by Black) is fat, lazy and serves noodles at his dad's cafe. Yet he dreams of being like the kung fu fighters taught by Master Shifu (Hoffman).

When Po is mistaken for a mighty warrior who will save the valley in which he and all his animal friends live, he must learn to be the tough-minded panda of his wild imagination.

But Po is far better at eating than fighting -- unless he has food for motivation. Then, he is quite tough.

"I think of myself as kind of a bear. I'm very furry and soft and squishy and lazy, and sometimes fierce and crazy. There was little acting involved. I am Po; Po is I," said Black - no svelte movie star, himself.

"It is some of the best work I've done," he added.

Jolie, who voices a fighter called Tigress, said Kung Fu Panda with its theme of discovering one's true self inside and out, is perfect for kids.

She said three of her growing pack of children - she is pregnant with twins - have already seen and liked the animated film.

"And they are my biggest critics," Jolie said with a smile.

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